Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Morning from my corner...

Good morning! It's a cold, but sunny day here in the central midwest - midwest Missouri to be kinda exact.

I'm not much for the cold however...I'm a sun child of the 70's and love to be out in the sun - yeah - I know - it's not supposed to be good for your skin ... but I love it when the sun's heat sinks into my bones and warms my entire body! Course, as I creep upwards in age...I'm looking at some of the damage I've done to my poor little skin...but it's not too bad.

And now..I'm learning all about health and skin and holistic ways...I love making handmade soap, using essential oils and making my own skin and face well as shampoos, kombucha tea, kefir and much much more.

Stay tuned - I'm going to share some of those goodies with you! And drop me a note if you want to share some of your ideas!
